About Marni

Artist Statement
In my life, design and photography serve as counterpoints, one priming the other. I have always been sensitive to my spatial surroundings. Growing up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, I would often visit the city and observe the urban grid. With a graphic design background, my images challenge my relationship with pattern, texture, and minimalism. Within the subtle beauty of my surroundings, I entice the viewer to wonder what is going on in the image and how it impacts them. I hope my images leave one questioning the subject matter and provide a springboard for discussion.

My current work with alternative processes encourages experimentation with layering while I take a more tactile, hands-on approach. These prints are less about botanical specimens and more about embracing a softer, painterly focus that leans towards the abstract and mysterious.

My work has been exhibited in various gallery exhibitions throughout the Denver-metropolitan area, and recently, I am making a national presence. Since July 2004, I have participated in solo and group shows to share my photography narratives in the community. I am currently looking for temporary and permanent opportunities where I can introduce my new work. I spend my weekdays as a Creative Director and Graphic Designer, and I hold a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

D’art Gallery - Denver
Colorado Photographic Arts Center - Denver
Center for Fine Art Photography - Fort Collins
SE Center for Photography - Greenville, SC
Women's Caucus for Art, Colorado Chapter

Image sizes available for exhibition and sale at these sizes – 8x10, 11x14, 16x20, and 18x24. Cyanotype images vary in size from 6x8 to 11x14. I accept Venmo! Please reach out to inquire for more information at mmyersco@gmail.com.